Bringing Home a New Kitten

Cute Kitten
Getting a new kitten can be an exciting yet stressful time. That cute little face, those adorable little paws, the tiny little mews. All of these things are what you are looking forward to when you bring your new family member home. There are worries as well. You’re worried that you might not be ready. Are you going to be a good cat parent? Will you do everything right? Are you ready at all?

Fear not. There are steps you can take to ensure your little kitty will be safe and happy at her new home. Just make sure your family plans ahead, buys the right things and things will go smoothly.

Planning Ahead

The first thing you should be doing is start planning for your new family member. Remember, a cat is a lifelong responsibility, so don’t take the first few weeks lightly. You need to ensure that your new kitten will have as stress free of a time as possible. Start planning the simple things. Go ahead and schedule the first vet visit, and if possible, the first follow-up. This way you don’t have to stress yourself out trying to get an appointment after you already have the kitten. It’s just as important that you remain as stress free as possible, as your stress will be picked up by the new addition, and she can become stressed as well.

Knowing ahead of time what type of diet the kitty is on, and planning your switch to the diet you want is imperative. You cannot simply change a cats diet on a whim. You must ensure you have enough of the current diet to last through the transition, and go ahead and pick up what the cat will be going on, again ensuring there is enough to move through the entire transition. You want this to take some time, as rushing it could cause issues. Remember, your kitty is in a new place with new sounds, and it can already be overwhelming. A shock to the system by abruptly changing the food, or just transitioning too quickly, can be devastating to the health and mental well-being of your new family member.

Finally, you want to make sure the house is cat proofed. Of course, this is impossible, as our furry feline friends always seem to find a way into the darndest of places. However, with the proper planning, you can reduce the risk of injury to your kitten, or to others, by ensuring all dangers are out of reach, or gone completely. Think of baby-proofing a room. You want to make sure anything the kitten can reach can’t be dragged down on top of it. Make sure curtains are shorter and don’t reach all the way to the floor. Outlet covers can also be a blessing in disguise, as kitties are incredibly curious about the world around them, and what seems like a normal outlet to use could be an intriguing mystery to a kitten, one that is begging for exploring. Take precautions in any way you see fit, just make sure the area the kitten will have access to is safe and as cat-proof as can be!


Now that you have your plans in place, it’s time to start buying things. Making a checklist may be helpful in ensuring that you have all the things you need before your new kitten arrives home. First on that checklist should be a litter box and litter. Make sure to get a type of litter that you are comfortable with (dust free is comfortable for both you and your kitty), as your kitten will need a place to go potty.

Toys will be a must, as kittens are full of energy. Things they can chase, things they can jump at, things they can pounce on, things to bat at and things they can chew on are all great ideas. Soft toys will be a good item, as your kitten is still developing it’s bite. Cats love to chase things, so anything on a string or even a laser light can be a great addition to your cat’s toy box.

Finally, cats love to climb and scratch. Unfortunately, these are activities that many people fail to meet for their kitten companions. This leads to an adult cat jumping up on places she is unwanted and scratching at things that she is not allowed. Thankfully, you can add on your checklist that a scratch pad and a cat tree are requirements for your kitty. This allows them a place to scratch and a place to climb that they are allowed to use without fear they will hurt themselves or damage your possessions.

Bringing Her Home

So now, you have your checklist done, your home is cat-proofed and you have food and appointments ready. Now, you can relax and enjoy time with your new kitten. Now that she’s home, you can rest easy knowing you prepared for her arrival and she will have a loving and happy home for the rest of her life.

Find Toys, Treats and Gifts for Your New Kitten at Pampered Paw Gifts

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