Bringing Home a New Kitten

Cute Kitten
Getting a new kitten can be an exciting yet stressful time. That cute little face, those adorable little paws, the tiny little mews. All of these things are what you are looking forward to when you bring your new family member home. There are worries as well. You’re worried that you might not be ready. Are you going to be a good cat parent? Will you do everything right? Are you ready at all?

Fear not. There are steps you can take to ensure your little kitty will be safe and happy at her new home. Just make sure your family plans ahead, buys the right things and things will go smoothly.

Planning Ahead

The first thing you should be doing is start planning for your new family member. Remember, a cat is a lifelong responsibility, so don’t take the first few weeks lightly. You need to ensure that your new kitten will have as stress free of a time as possible. Start planning the simple things. Go ahead and schedule the first vet visit, and if possible, the first follow-up. This way you don’t have to stress yourself out trying to get an appointment after you already have the kitten. It’s just as important that you remain as stress free as possible, as your stress will be picked up by the new addition, and she can become stressed as well.

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