Training Tips to Help Prevent a Puppy from Growing into a Dog that Bites

Puppy BitingIt’s an unfortunate situation, but one which many dog lovers have to accept – puppies can bite. It can be a major challenge trying to control biting behavior, but there are some ways in which you can teach your dog to reduce and eradicate this behavior.

Puppies will at first start to bite because it’s fun and part of their daily play. It’s a completely natural and even essential behavior, especially when they are teething. Puppies love to bite their sharp little teeth into anything that passes their way during the development phase of their teeth, including the hands and feet of their master (and in worst case scenarios, children).

The good news is that most puppies can be trained to manage and minimize this problem quite easily. The faster that you start to train your puppy or young dog not to bite then the easier things will be for him and for you in the future.

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How To Raise Your Puppy Right

Visit Pampered Paw Gifts For New Puppy Gifts and TreatsGiving your new puppy the best start in his new home and family is a sure fire way to set him up to succeed as a happy and well adjusted dog in the future. It may be surprising that an incredibly large number of dogs that are surrendered to shelters and rescues are due to behavioral problems that could have easily been prevented with a strong foundation of early training, socialization, and helping the puppy to develop into a trustworthy and reliable companion. Raise your puppy right and you’ll be amazed at the lifelong bond and trust the two of you will have together.

Punishment-Free Zone!

Your home should be a safe and comfortable place for puppy to reside. He should be free from fear and pain, and this means no punishment! Instead of getting angry at your puppy for chewing up your shoes or eliminating on the carpet, it is time for you to do some learning on how dogs learn! Puppies are especially sensitive and punishing them not only teaches them to fear you, but it teaches them to not trust you as well. Dogs do not learn the same way humans do, nor do they understand human language. It is up to us to show them what we do want them to do, what is expected of them, and to reward for these wanted behaviors and prevent the unwanted behaviors.

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