5 Tips for Safe Summer Fun for Your Dog

Visit Pampered Paw GiftsThe warm summer sun is just around the corner, and many dogs are headed outdoors to enjoy fun in the warmer weather with their owners on the other end of the leash. How many of you are truly prepared to protect against the dangers that the warm temperatures, intense sun, and nature throw your way during your summer adventures? Protect yourself and your canine companion against all the bugs, sunburns, and other dangers that lurk in your backyard with these 5 easy and affordable tips.

    1. If you have a single-coated dog or a canine companion with light-colored and thin fur then you may want to invest in some quality sunscreen. That’s right, humans are not the only ones who benefit from the power of SPF! These dogs are susceptible to severe sunburns that can actually become more than just an uncomfortable situation. If left untreated, sunburns can even turn into painful infections that require vet care. A few minutes of application time can prevent all of this easily!

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Flea & Tick Prevention; Choosing the Right Option

Dog ScratchingKeeping biting pests off your dog can become a stressful job, especially during the warmer months. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes carry with them deadly diseases including Lyme’s and the dreaded West Nile that can find their way into your dog’s bloodstream and wreak havoc on his body with a single bite from these parasites. Shopping for preventative care at your local pet store, online, and vet’s office can become overwhelming easily with the large selection. How do you know which one will work for you? It all depends on your dog, where you live, and the type of lifestyle you lead with your canine companion.

Know Your Dog

If your dog has a sensitivity to specific ingredients, consider this before putting any pest control on his body or spraying your yard. Yard sprays to control fleas and ticks can actually be far more harmful than spot-on treatments or sprays that go directly on your pet. However, some of these products that use harsh chemicals like ivermectin can also cause reactions in your dog from allergies to sensitivities or even chemical burns on his skin. If your pet is a sensitive one, think twice before buying conventional flea and tick preventatives.

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