How To Keep Your Dog’s Skin Healthy

Dog at SpaHealthy skin in a dog is just as important to him as your skin health is to you. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a variety of skin conditions from infections to parasites and even dander or dry skin. For dog lovers, nothing is more comforting or enjoyable than running your fingers through a soft and clean dog coat with healthy, moisturized skin underneath. By following these easy and simple tips you can make your dog’s skin healthy and keep it that way.

    1. Don’t overwash your pet. A dog that is bathed too often has all of his natural, protective oils stripped from his skin, leaving him itchy and dry. This makes him scratch more than he should, which can lead to open cuts and sores all over his body and opens him up to secondary infections. Aside from those dangers, you also end up with a stronger doggy odor smell from a dog that is washed too often as his body attempts to compensate for the major loss in skin and coat oils. Use puppy bath wipes or waterless shampoos in between your regular washings. The rule of thumb for dog grooming is every 6 to 8 weeks unless he gets into something like mud.

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Should You Be Giving Your Dog an Omega 3 Supplement?

Dog Outdoors

As with us humans, changes in the fields of diet and medicine are allowing dogs to live longer than ever. As dogs grow old, they begin to experience age-related diseases that can impair their quality of life. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are the fundamental in maintaining good overall health, but can Omega 3 supplementation provide any additional benefits to your dog?

One of the most common and earliest issues dogs experience as they age is joint pain, also known as arthritis. Joint pain can impair a dog’s ability to move around as they once did, so owners see a decline in activity and play as the dog ages. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements can reduce joint pain, and people often see their pets pick up the pace again after just a few weeks of being on supplements.

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