Private Rescues vs. Shelters; Dog Adoption Options

Dog at ShelterWhen you make the decision to bring a canine companion into your home, you have made an important choice that can drastically change your life. You will have a walking partner, constant companion, someone to greet you when you come home and a furry friend to comfort you during trouble times. However, before you jump right in and bring that cute puppy home you should learn all you can about the various venues in which you can obtain your newest family member.

Private Rescue

A rescue is a private, non-profit organization typically run by all volunteers. The dogs they acquire are often times surrendered to the organization because the owners can no longer care for him. Rescued dogs can be already trained and well mannered or they can come with their own luggage and behavioral problems. Each and every dog is completely unique with his own history.

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How To Gain Trust With Your Rescued Dog

Find Treats and Gifts for Your Rescued DogRescued dogs all come with their own baggage. It could be that they are happy go lucky, well trained dogs that just need a home and family of their own. However, they also could carry with them a haunting past of fear and neglect. Perhaps some have never even had a kind human hand and grew up as a stray until they found themselves at the shelter, sitting in a kennel surrounded by other barking dogs. This entire process, no matter where they came from or their background, is traumatic for all dogs. Some deal with it and cope well, bouncing right back to their old selves once they’re in a home. Others may take more time, a special person and training to break them out of their shell. Gaining trust is the very first step with any rescued dog to help him feel secure in his new life with you.

The Fearful Dog

Some rescued dogs will be fearful and very reluctant to accept anything from their new guardian. They may hesitate to take a treat, or ignore you completely. Dogs like this may seem difficult or uninterested, but in reality they just don’t know how to react to you or what you want from them. Begin training immediately, even if they don’t seem to want to give you any attention or take a reward from you.

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