Dog Allergies – The Signs, Types, And Ways to Treat Them Effectively

Did someone tell you that their dog suffers from allergies? Or has your vet told you that your furry buddy might have an allergic reaction? Also, do you feel that your pet already has an allergy? In all the cases, you will notice that there is no specific rule that dog allergies follow. There are many kinds of allergies that can lead to issues in your dogs.

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How Expensive is it to raise a Dog?

If you are a pet owner, the chances are that you love your pet almost as much as you love your family. That is understandable because in many ways our pets become part of the family.

This is true of dogs in particular because they have such loyal and affectionate natures. Many owners buy their dogs as pups and watch them grow like their children.

Dogs also need shelter, food, and a place to sleep, as people do. Unfortunately, another thing they have in common with us is that they sometimes get sick, leaving you scared and facing bills for treatment.

Let us take a look at the different expenses that keeping a dog entails so you have an idea of what to expect.

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Can Puppies Go Vegan?

Many vegetarians have at some point been confronted with this question when it comes to giving their puppies meat when they do not consume it.

The answer is yes.

Puppies like humans can be omnivorous. This means they can convert certain foods into amino acids. Some of the proteins you can try include beans, milk, eggs, soy, corn, or whole grain.

Your puppy may take some time to adjust to a non-meat diet. You may find your puppy peeping through its diet with that look of “Where is the meat?”

The decision to change to a vegan diet is an important one for humans. You avoid slaughtering animals in an inhumane way; you also lower your risks of obesity, heart disease, and many other diseases that are associated with meat products. Puppies have various omnivorous characteristics that enable them to adapt to a vegan diet. These include:

  • Their small intestines have the necessary gastrointestinal juices necessary for the conversion of amino acids in the proteins they consume.
  • Their molars are flat like humans, and this helps them chew hard vegetables like carrots
  • They also can also convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A

While the decision to provide a vegan diet for your puppy is a personal one, their cases where you find your puppy is allergic to proteins. According to Dr. Fox of US Humane Society, puppies can thrive on a purely vegan diet but is important that you supplement their diet with meat occasionally.

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