Dogs and Table Scraps; Is It Really Safe?

Chihuahua Eating Food Off Plate on TableIf you are like many others and don’t eat all that is on your plate at dinner, you may be tempted to slip that last slick of ham under the table for your dog. Those puppy dog eyes, the begging whine and prancing paws all pull at the human’s heart strings and far too often we give in, letting our pets eat unhealthy and potentially dangerous foods. How do you know if those table scrapes are really safe or okay to give your canine companion? There are three key points you should be aware of before tossing your pet anything from your plate.

Dog vs. People Food

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of your dog’s quality kibble? You will notice that, while many ingredients are recognizable, they are also not something a human would normally eat in the same proportions. This is because a dog needs a higher protein and fat diet in comparison to a human, and they naturally do not eat the cooked meats that we do.

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