Taking the Frustration Out of Dog Training

Cute Dog On LeashAs crucial as dog training is for your pet’s social development, it’s also a task that can be extremely frustrating to commit to long-term as an owner. It’s perfectly normal to feel like you want to throw in the towel on days that are particularly hard for your dog to stay focused and listen, but that’s the biggest mistake you could make. Without consistency, dedication and patience, you can’t expect your dog to learn correct behaviors and get rid of the ones that drive you crazy (jumping, digging, barking, chewing, leash pulling, etc.) and can be dangerous (aggression, biting, growling, etc.). Addressing these unwanted actions and turning them around will take a while, but in the end, you’re sure to see it’s well worth the investment of your time. Below are a few tips for handling your dog’s training in a positive way, even when frustration begins to set in.

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