Am I Ready to Be a Dog Parent?

Golden Retriever47% of all families own a dog. It’s a staggering statistic, especially considering so many of these families don’t ask themselves beforehand “Am I ready to be a dog parent?” Most people, unfortunately, look at a dog and think “It’s just a dog, and I’m its owner.” They don’t take into consideration that the dog is now part of the family, and it’s a lifetime commitment.

The sad part is, the dogs are the ones who suffer for it, while the human “owners” rarely suffer any of the consequences. Even worse, often the owners don’t realize they aren’t ready. They don’t realize the commitment, time, and finances, that go into having a dog be a part of the family.

It’s important, when thinking about dog parenting, to ask yourself some questions. Are you ready for the financial commitment? Are you ready for the time commitment? Are you emotionally ready to add a dog to your family? Before answering, you need to consider your answer and weigh them against facts to ensure you are truly ready for a dog.

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