Why You Should Never Declaw A Cat

Cat ClawsIs your cat continuously missing the litter box? Does he no longer play, or perhaps bite inappropriately? If you answered yes to these questions, and your furry feline friend is declawed you will want to continue reading on, and learn the truth behind the barbaric and nonsensical practice. Between the behavioral problems and health issues that crop up, declawing your cat could be the worst thing you could do to him.

What Is Declawing?

Pet owners justify the declawing of their cat in an effort to curb unwanted scratching of furniture, people, and other pets. Maybe your kitten has begun climbing your curtains or shredding the arm of your couch. Sometimes they will even take their scratching behaviors to the corners of the walls in your home. Declawing is one way to stop anymore damage being done, but is only the beginning of damaging your cat for the rest of his life.

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