5 Tips for Safe Summer Fun for Your Dog

Visit Pampered Paw GiftsThe warm summer sun is just around the corner, and many dogs are headed outdoors to enjoy fun in the warmer weather with their owners on the other end of the leash. How many of you are truly prepared to protect against the dangers that the warm temperatures, intense sun, and nature throw your way during your summer adventures? Protect yourself and your canine companion against all the bugs, sunburns, and other dangers that lurk in your backyard with these 5 easy and affordable tips.

    1. If you have a single-coated dog or a canine companion with light-colored and thin fur then you may want to invest in some quality sunscreen. That’s right, humans are not the only ones who benefit from the power of SPF! These dogs are susceptible to severe sunburns that can actually become more than just an uncomfortable situation. If left untreated, sunburns can even turn into painful infections that require vet care. A few minutes of application time can prevent all of this easily!

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Beat the Heat: Essential Tips to Safeguard Your Dog’s Paws from Sizzling Summer Sidewalks

As the summer season approaches, many dog owners look forward to spending more time outside with their furry friends. However, this warmer weather also brings certain hazards, one of the most overlooked being hot sidewalks. This guide aims to provide you with essential information on protecting dog paws from hot sidewalks. By being informed, you can ensure that your walks remain a source of enjoyment, not discomfort for your pet.

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5 Steps to Healthier Dog Paws

Dog PawWe all know that feeling of coming home from a long day out from work, school or simply grocery shopping and taking off those shoes. That wonderful feeling of relief from not having any restriction on your feet, the air on your toes and over all comfort is one of the first steps you take to relax. Your dog can’t do that. His paw pads are his biological equivalent to shoes and they’re on for good. They take the wear and tear of walking, hiking, running, chasing balls or squirrels and any other doggy things your pooch may do on a daily basis. Just like the soles of your shoes, his pads can crack, rip, dry up and become painful to deal with. A few steps can help to make your pup’s paws healthier and more comfortable.

  1. Keep them clean! Dirty paws are gross for all involved, from your floor to your dog’s comfort. Those doggy feet go through grass, mud, concrete and stepping in all kinds of safe and nonsafe substance, including household cleaners, pesticides and more. If you don’t keep his feet clean after a trip outdoors, he just may take it upon himself to try and lick them clean. Imagine all the things he is eating off his feet that he walked in. You know that can’t be healthy! Instead, take a damp cloth or puppy bath wipe and clean his paws for him. Everyone will be happier for it!
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