The Source Of Your Dog’s Allergies May Be Closer Than You Think

Cute Dog On CouchA total of 89.7 million dogs are kept as pets in the United States and for good reason. Dogs are loyal, friendly and can even contribute positively to our overall health and well-being. We of course, in turn, want to give them the best life possible and protect them from any kind of danger. However, what many pet owners do not know is how dog food can oftentimes be the source of a dog’s allergies. By paying attention to the symptoms and being proactive, we can make sure our furry companions live their best possible life.

Signs and symptoms of a food allergy

While your dog cannot communicate with you directly, there are many telltale signs of a food allergy that you should pay attention to. While some of these symptoms can be associated with seasonal allergies, keep track of them to see if they are actually year-round. The most common symptoms include excessive itching and sneezing, hair loss, skin rashes, pigmented skin and itchy paws. If your dog constantly has one or a combination of these symptoms, a food allergy is a likely root cause and something to investigate further.

Get your dog tested

If you suspect your dog has a food allergy, you can begin testing to find out what it is specifically. While you can have a veterinarian do a blood test or patch work on your dog to help isolate the cause, these tests are not 100% accurate and are more suitable for environmental allergens. Elimination diets are a good alternative and although it can take over eight weeks to come to any conclusion or determine the specific cause of the allergy, they are far more accurate than a blood test or patch work.

Pay attention to ingredient lists

Now that you’ve uncovered the food or foods causing your pet distress, be on the lookout for it in everything and anything you give your dog. There are so many different varieties of dog food and treats now available, and it is important to thoroughly check the oftentimes long list of ingredients found in all of them. A good idea to avoid any setbacks or mistakes is to research the different names used for a particular food ingredient/allergen and watch out for all forms of it in your dog’s food.

For pet owners, making sure our dogs are happy and healthy is absolutely paramount. If what we are feeding them is the root cause of any distress, it is our duty to put the work in and find out if they are allergic to a specific ingredient. By observing symptoms, implementing the elimination diet and carefully reading ingredients, we can make sure the food we feed our dogs contributes to their health rather than their detriment.

Posted in Dog Health Tips.