Diabetes in Dogs: Type 1 vs. Type 2

Similarly to humans, dogs can also be affected by chronic diseases they can’t be cured from. One of these diseases is diabetes. However, this doesn’t have to mean your dog can’t have a long, healthy life too.

So, if you own a dog that has diabetes, don’t worry, as there are a lot of ways to manage this condition successfully. There are various approaches to treating diabetes, and you will surely get a hand on the best treatment approach for your dog very quickly.

You might have heard that there are two types of diabetes in humans: Diabetes type I and Diabetes type II. But is this distinction the same in canines too? Let’s quickly explain what diabetes is and how it occurs in our four-legged friends.

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Open Farm: Ethically Raised & Sourced Pet Food

 Most of us love to keep dogs in our home to provide us with genuine friendship and company, among other emotional gains. In most case you will hear people telling stories about how their dogs love them, and how special they are in their own ways. There’s no question about dog’s love to their owners. But, does your dog respect you? How do you know this? When your dog shows some cheeky behavior like chewing the sofa, barking loudly, or bad table manners, it could mean that it doesn’t show you respect. Fortunately, you can easily learn how to make your dog respect you at authentic dogs by becoming the pack leader.
Surprisingly, the way and what you feed your dog plays a critical role on how it acts and treats you. If you give your dog enough food and the right diet, it tends to trust and respect you more. Therefore, an ethical and healthy feeding practice is important for your dog’s wellness and discipline. In this article, we discuss on how you can feed you lovely 4-legged buddy with Open Farm’s ethically raised and sourced pet food.

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Can Puppies Go Vegan?

Many vegetarians have at some point been confronted with this question when it comes to giving their puppies meat when they do not consume it.

The answer is yes.

Puppies like humans can be omnivorous. This means they can convert certain foods into amino acids. Some of the proteins you can try include beans, milk, eggs, soy, corn, or whole grain.

Your puppy may take some time to adjust to a non-meat diet. You may find your puppy peeping through its diet with that look of “Where is the meat?”

The decision to change to a vegan diet is an important one for humans. You avoid slaughtering animals in an inhumane way; you also lower your risks of obesity, heart disease, and many other diseases that are associated with meat products. Puppies have various omnivorous characteristics that enable them to adapt to a vegan diet. These include:

  • Their small intestines have the necessary gastrointestinal juices necessary for the conversion of amino acids in the proteins they consume.
  • Their molars are flat like humans, and this helps them chew hard vegetables like carrots
  • They also can also convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A

While the decision to provide a vegan diet for your puppy is a personal one, their cases where you find your puppy is allergic to proteins. According to Dr. Fox of US Humane Society, puppies can thrive on a purely vegan diet but is important that you supplement their diet with meat occasionally.

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The Source Of Your Dog’s Allergies May Be Closer Than You Think

Cute Dog On CouchA total of 89.7 million dogs are kept as pets in the United States and for good reason. Dogs are loyal, friendly and can even contribute positively to our overall health and well-being. We of course, in turn, want to give them the best life possible and protect them from any kind of danger. However, what many pet owners do not know is how dog food can oftentimes be the source of a dog’s allergies. By paying attention to the symptoms and being proactive, we can make sure our furry companions live their best possible life.

Signs and symptoms of a food allergy

While your dog cannot communicate with you directly, there are many telltale signs of a food allergy that you should pay attention to. While some of these symptoms can be associated with seasonal allergies, keep track of them to see if they are actually year-round. The most common symptoms include excessive itching and sneezing, hair loss, skin rashes, pigmented skin and itchy paws. If your dog constantly has one or a combination of these symptoms, a food allergy is a likely root cause and something to investigate further.
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Are Essential Oils Safe for Dogs?

Happy DogEssential oils are used in aromatherapy to cure health problems in humans and animals. Are essential oils safe for dogs too? Which essential oils can be given to dogs? What preventive measures should be taken while giving your dog the essential oils?

Here’s a detailed guide for you to know all about essential oils and their use in dogs:

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are natural volatile compounds that are found in flowers, stems, seeds, barks, and roots of plants. They have a strong aroma that can naturally cure illnesses in animals as well as in humans.

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy because they quickly change their state from solid to liquid and interact with the olfactory sensors present in the nose.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, so the concentration and amount of dilution of essential oils matters a lot.
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Chasing a Better Night’s Sleep for You and Your Dog

Woman Sleeping

If you or your dog are having difficulty sleeping, join the club. Studies show that 45% of Americans are affected by poor sleep quality, for despite generally sleeping the recommended hours per night, we often do not feel refreshed or energetic when we wake up. If your dog sleeps in the same room as you, he, too, can be affected. Dogs are incredibly in tune with their owners, and the slightest movement can result in Fido getting up to see what’s up or change position to a more comfortable part of the bed. Studies have shown that one way to improve sleep for both, is for your pooch to sleep in his own bed. This article runs through this and other tips for top quality zzzs for you and your dogs.
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Tips for Detoxing Your Dog

Beautiful Dog

When we talk about toxins and antioxidants, we often do so in a human context, yet our dogs are equally vulnerable to outdoor and indoor pollution. In the same way that we worry about their diet, ensuring they obtain quality protein sources and a blend of fruits and vegetables, we can also try to eliminate toxins from their daily life by taking important steps such as eliminating toxins from their reach, and feeding them particular foods and supplements.
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