Are Essential Oils Safe for Dogs?

Happy DogEssential oils are used in aromatherapy to cure health problems in humans and animals. Are essential oils safe for dogs too? Which essential oils can be given to dogs? What preventive measures should be taken while giving your dog the essential oils?

Here’s a detailed guide for you to know all about essential oils and their use in dogs:

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are natural volatile compounds that are found in flowers, stems, seeds, barks, and roots of plants. They have a strong aroma that can naturally cure illnesses in animals as well as in humans.

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy because they quickly change their state from solid to liquid and interact with the olfactory sensors present in the nose.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, so the concentration and amount of dilution of essential oils matters a lot.

Why should essential oils be used?

Essential oils are excellent natural replacements for medicinal cures like giving Doxycycline for infections, Zyrtec for allergies, Xanax for anxiety, etc.

Try the natural as well as medical treatments and find out what works best for your dog.

Aromatherapy in dogs is used to cure:

  1. Flea or tick infestation
  2. Skin allergies
  3. Anxiety
  4. Arthritis
  5. Scars or bruises
  6. Skin diseases (eczema etc.)

Beware: Pups with an age of less than ten weeks should be treated with hydrosols. Essential oils can cause serious health problems for little pups.

Essential oils can be consumed by inhaling, by injesting, or by topical application on skin.

Toxic Essential Oils for Dogs:

Dogs react to certain substances in essential oils so care should be taken before using them. There are some poisonous essential oils, to which dogs will respond in the form of skin allergies and stomach disorders.

  1. Anise: The uterine stimulation causes toxicity in dogs.
  2. Camphor: The toxic ingredients are harmful.
  3. Pennyroyal: It is a flea-repellent but toxic to kidney and nervous system.
  4. Wormwood: It has dermal and oral toxicity.
  5. Clove leaf and its buds: It causes dermal allergies
  6. Horseradish: It may cause skin allergies
  7. Mustard: Its pungent properties can cause skin allergies
  8. Tansy: It can cause dermal irritation
  9. Juniper (Wood oil): It is known for toxicity in dogs
  10. White Thyme: Uterine stimulation and toxicity are possible harms caused by it.
  11. Wintergreen: The high concentration of methyl salicylate in Wintergreen is toxic to dogs.
  12. Birch: It causes poisoning when ingested or externally applied to the skin.
  13. Yarrow: It has been proved deadly for dogs.

Safe Essential Oils for Dogs and Uses:

The following essential oils are effective remedies for different illness in dogs.

TIPS FOR USAGE: Before using any of the essential oil for your dog, consult the vet. Also, diluting the essential oils is a must. A general rule for using essential oils in dogs is to dilute them 1% for emotional problems and 2-3% for physical health issues. Avoid the usage of essential oils for pregnant and young dogs.

  1. Geranium: It is a useful tick and flea repellent that is mild in nature. It is used commonly for skin allergies, ear infections, and fungal infections.
  2. Peppermint: It is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory flea and tick repellent. Even a single drop of peppermint essential oil is highly concentrated, so it is advised to use specially formulated peppermint flea-repelling sprays. In addition, it is recommended for treating sprains, strains, hip dysplasia, and arthritis. In combination with ginger, peppermint oil cures travel sickness in dogs.
  3. Sweet Marjoram: It is an anti-bacterial pest repellent. Its anti-bacterial properties help to cure skin infections and open wounds. It is an effective remedy for behavioral issues like anxiety, stress, and depression. For hyperactive dogs, it acts as a muscle relaxant and calms their nerves in gloomy winters. It is also used for treating stomach problems like bloating, indigestion, cramps, and constipation.
  4. Ginger: It is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal in action that’s used for skin infections and wounds. Ginger is an effective cure for motion-sickness in dogs. Behavioral problems like separation anxiety, noise anxiety, etc are also treated by using this. Ginger is good for proper digestion. It is helpful to relieve the pain of arthritis, strains, and hip dysplasia.
  5. Lavender: It is anti-allergic, and anti-bacterial. It’s soothing in effect. It is suitable for curing skin allergies, separation anxiety, and motion sickness. “Always” keep it in your First Aid Kit as it’s quite safe to use in dogs.
  6. Eucalyptus Radiata: It is anti-inflammatory and antiviral flea-repellent. It is good for treating chest congestion.
  7. Carrot Seed: It is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in effect. It is mostly used on dry skins to prevent infections.
  8. Clary Sage: It is sedative in effect to calm the nerves in over-anxious and hyperactive dogs. It is also used for curing digestion problems.
  9. Helichrysum: It is analgesic and anti-inflammatory in effect that cures skin allergies and infections. Its regenerative powers are sufficient for healing bruises, wounds, and scars. It helps to relieve pain.
  10. Myrrh: It is anti-fungal and anti-septic in effect that fights against skin allergies. It is good for healthy skin and coat in dogs.
  11. Chamomile: It is a Must-Have analgesic oil that calms the nerves, relaxes the muscles, and improves the digestion process in over-anxious dogs. In addition, it is useful for relieving muscle and joint pain, teething ache, and muscle cramps.
  12. Cedarwood: It is a good pest-repellent. It promotes the health of skin and hair in dogs. It is effective for curing arthritis, kennel cough, and back pain in dogs.
  13. Niaouli: It is a replacement for tea tree oil that has anti-bacterial properties. It is a good solution for dogs with dry skin that are troubled by excessive irritation in dry weathers. It protects against skin infection and allergies.
  14. Sweet Orange: It is primarily a deodorizer that has soothing effects on dogs. It is a good flea-repellent.
  15. Valerian: It is a popular sedative that calms the nervous system of anxious and hyperactive dogs. Dogs that experience travel sickness, fear of thunderstorm, and separation anxiety can be eased by Valeria.

Herbal methods and aromatherapy are effective and proven remedies to cure common dog problems. You just have to be careful about the safe and unsafe essential oil, the required quantity, and a dog’s sensitivity to specific essential oil (even if they are safe).

Consult the vet for a proper prescription before trying out any essential oils that your neighbor’s dog found helpful.

Author Bio


Fiona Appleton is a Labrador owner. She is the manager of that has been developed to help people solve the troubles of pet ownership. She is an active advocate of animal protection campaigns. She wants people to understand that dog-behavior is reflective of our behavior.

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