Why Should We Use CBD to Supplement Treatments for Our Pet?

What is CBD?

It’s an acronym for cannabidiol, a compound extracted from the flowers and buds of the cannabis plant. CBD doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol, a compound that causes the high feeling associated with marijuana. As such, it’s considered safe for medicinal and therapeutic use. It explains the ongoing use of the compound in dog treats and supplements too. A study conducted at Colorado State University found that healthy dogs could tolerate CBD pretty well. 

Only a few dogs exhibited elevated levels of serum ALP (a liver enzyme). However, extensive studies are yet to be conducted to determine CBD effects on a dog’s liver.

Benefits of CBD Use in Pet Treatments

1.  Relieves Pain

Conditions such as arthritis, bone cancer, and pancreatitis can be excruciating for dogs. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties; hence using CBD for dogs treats and the prescribed medication goes a long way in relieving your pet’s pain. The CBD compound attaches to the pain receptors controlling how the CB1 and CB2 receptors respond, reducing inflammation. 

A study to determine how cannabidiol reduces inflammation found that it reduced pain-related behaviors too. However, dog owners should maintain realistic expectations as pets exhibit varying responses based on their weight, health condition, the severity of pain, and the CBD product’s potency.

2.  Minimize Frequency of Seizures in Dogs

A small study involving 15 dogs with epilepsy found that 89% of dogs who received CBD experienced fewer seizures. It was particularly effective in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy, a common canine neurologic condition affecting 5.7% of the pet dog population. The researchers also found a significant association between the amount of CBD concentration in the dog’s blood and the extent of reduction of seizure episodes. 

3.  Reduces Anxiety and Depression

Dog anxiety is a result of two things:

  • Situational anxiety: fireworks, thunderstorms, travel, or strangers
  • Behavioral anxiety: Occurs in case the dog is separated from its owner

In such scenarios, the dog is likely to exhibit symptoms such as panting, trembling, pacing, extreme aggression, and sometimes loss of appetite. Luckily, with a few CBD treats, you can ease your pet’s anxiety. However, vets caution pet owners to determine the appropriate dosage for such use as CBD dog treats have varying potency levels. High-potency CBD treats can cause small dogs problems, while low-potency treats may not yield large breeds’ desired effects.

4.  Manage Inflammatory Bowel Disease

IBD is one condition that causes extreme discomfort and pain to a dog. Sadly treatments are equally stressful on their bodies, and CBD oil presents a better alternative as it has milder effects. Also, vets recommend CBD when traditional treatment isn’t effective.

5.  Reduce Nausea

A study conducted in 2018 found that CBD reduced nausea significantly. The researchers observed that CBD prevented a surge in the neurotransmitter serotonin levels in the animal’s interoceptive insular cortex (IIC), the brain region that causes nausea. The study also found that treating a dog with drugs that increase endogenous cannabinoid also reduces serotonin’s elevation in the IIC. Generally, CBD’s interaction with a dog’s endocrine system helps control its endocrine processes hence its effects when CBD forms like oils and treats are administered.


CBD makes an excellent supplement for your dog’s treatments if they are experiencing extreme pain, frequent seizures, and nausea. In some instances, e.g., if your dog has IBD, CBD oils and treats make excellent alternatives to traditional medicine.

Posted in Caring for a Pet, Caring for Cats, Dog Health Tips, Separation Anxiety in Dogs, Special Needs Pets, Traveling With a Dog and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .