Tips on How to Boost Your Canine Companion’s IQ


Despite a rise in popularity of exotic pets the humble canine remains America’s favourite. As of March 2017, a total of 89.7 million dogs were estimated to be living in households across the USA as pets. It is no surprise that the dog has earned the title of ‘man’s best friend’ as they are not only intelligent, affectionate and loyal but have known to improve our physical and mental health as well. One way we can repay our beloved companions for enriching our lives is to help them be the very best versions of their doggy selves that they can possibly be.

Did you know that by boosting your dog’s IQ through training and stimulation you will help him age better? By ensuring that your dog is mentally stimulated you not only help prolong his lifespan but also reduce boredom and relieve stress. Dogs need frequent mental stimulation to help them develop their neurological muscles and reduce the risk of developing the dog equivalent to human Alzheimer’s known as canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS). Although dogs are not able to take online IQ tests the way humans do, there are countless ways in which you can provide your dog with the necessary stimulation needed to successfully boost his IQ.

Increase your dog’s vocabulary

Most of us talk to our beloved dogs daily. What we don’t do , however, is teach them what a word means. The art of training revolves around teaching a dog to associate a command with an action. Our pets pay attention to what we say even when we aren’t consciously trying to teach them something. If you tell your dog ‘go do your business’ and then afford praise or reward with a tasty treat when he does it, he learns what the phrase means. Our canine companions pay a lot more attention than what we may realize and it is important to never undermine their intelligence. If you take the time to teach your dog new things, he will learn them.

Work on training

By teaching your dog new commands you not only improve his IQ but strengthens your bond with him as well due to the time, attention and positive reinforcement that takes place. Learning new things gives the brain a healthy workout and will also boost your dog’s memory. Although some dogs may be stubborn they too can be taught, you just need to have a bit of extra patience and dedication.

Provide ample stimulation

When a dog becomes bored he basically has two choices: sleep or find his own entertainment which usually leads to mischief. You can enrich your dog’s environment with a range of toys and puzzle games which will stimulate his mind, boost his brain power and increase his ability to learn and recall.

Toy puzzles

Just like humans enjoy playing with puzzles, so too do dogs. Puzzles aimed at dogs are less focussed on the assembly of pieces and more focussed on reward. These toys offer a brain-stimulating activity that will require the dog to nudge, twist or put pressure on a specific part of the toy in order to produce movements or emit sounds. In addition to providing your dog with a very engaging and beneficial activity these toys also offer instant rewards when the right behaviour is executed.

Hide-and-Seek toys

These toys are designed to encourage your dog to find a small toy embedded inside a larger one. These toys are generally soft-bodied to engage your dog’s instinctive hunting and digging skills, providing an instant reward when the toy is found. Some of these toys even include a built-in treat pocket although this is fairly uncommon.

Spending time with your dog and training him can be a very rewarding bonding exercise that can boost his cognitive levels significantly. By teaching him essential commands you will gain the confidence to trust him around other people and dogs. Proper stimulation and training will further enable your furry friend to safely roam outside and experience pleasant natural environments under your supervision.

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