Preparing Custom Meals For Your Dog: What Owners Need To Know

Traditionally, most pet owners fed their dogs pre-prepared food, either from a tin or in the form of dried kibbles. While these used to be the only options, over the years, the dog food market has expanded rapidly, and there are now loads of other brands and products available. However, talk has also turned to the quality of the food we feed to our pets, particularly after various dog food scandals. As a result, many devoted dog owners have considered making their own dog food.

The process is surprisingly easy, and there are many groups online to help you find ways to build unique meal plans for your pup. Feeding your dog homemade food offers many benefits, including allowing you to know what’s in the food and providing your dog with a variety of different options to suit their varying moods. After all, you wouldn’t want to eat the same dry kibbles every day, so why should your dog?Continue Reading

Picking A Dog Food For Small Dogs

Dog food depends on the size of the dog. It also depends on the breed. Every breed has its unique needs when it comes to food. The same is true with its stature. The food required by a big dog is entirely different from that of a small-sized dog.
The categorization of dogs into small, medium, and large is quite a debatable but interesting topic. Normally, a dog is considered small if its height is less than 12 inches. Similarly, a dog weighing less than 22 pounds can be categorized as small.
On the other hand, dogs are also categorized per their breeds. But it is very possible that a dog may not belong to a small breed though it comes under the category of small dogs based on weight or height.
So, the best criterion is a dog’s weight, which defines whether it is a small dog or a big one. Any dog that weighs less than 22 pounds while fully grown would be considered a small dog regarding its food needs.

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Nutrition Essentials: A Complete Guide to Choosing the Right Dog Food

Choosing the right dog food is one of the most important decisions you can make as a pet owner. Your pet’s health, safety, and happiness depend on a well-balanced and nutritious diet. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of dog food. That’s why we have created this comprehensive guide to help you make informed decisions about your dog’s nutrition. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing dog food, provide practical tips, and answer frequently asked questions.

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Understand Dog Food Allergies to keep your Pet Healthy

Ear infection, itching, skin infection- if your puppy has an allergy, you will notice these symptoms. Allergies in puppies can be due to environmental allergens, food, and other factors.

When searching for the underlying cause of dog allergy, it is fundamental to comprehend the facts below. Remember that the environment plays a vital role in the development and growth of the dog. So if your dog is allergic to a food, you must consult veterans and get them medical help as fast as possible.

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Dog Pet Guide Helps Dog Owners Find the Best Dog Food for Pups

You come across so many types of dog food in the market, and choosing the right one can be bewildering at times. Certain things can, however, lead to an appropriate choice, such as
your dog’s breed, age, and activity status. You also know that their nourishment requirements may vary if they have specific health concerns. So, it becomes another criterion. Still, you may wonder about the accuracy of your decision and want to consult with your veterinarian for their professional opinion on the type of food that can be best for
your dog. Your vet can ask you to watch your dog’s weight and energy level to ensure adequate nutrition.

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Open Farm: Ethically Raised & Sourced Pet Food

 Most of us love to keep dogs in our home to provide us with genuine friendship and company, among other emotional gains. In most case you will hear people telling stories about how their dogs love them, and how special they are in their own ways. There’s no question about dog’s love to their owners. But, does your dog respect you? How do you know this? When your dog shows some cheeky behavior like chewing the sofa, barking loudly, or bad table manners, it could mean that it doesn’t show you respect. Fortunately, you can easily learn how to make your dog respect you at authentic dogs by becoming the pack leader.
Surprisingly, the way and what you feed your dog plays a critical role on how it acts and treats you. If you give your dog enough food and the right diet, it tends to trust and respect you more. Therefore, an ethical and healthy feeding practice is important for your dog’s wellness and discipline. In this article, we discuss on how you can feed you lovely 4-legged buddy with Open Farm’s ethically raised and sourced pet food.

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Can Puppies Go Vegan?

Many vegetarians have at some point been confronted with this question when it comes to giving their puppies meat when they do not consume it.

The answer is yes.

Puppies like humans can be omnivorous. This means they can convert certain foods into amino acids. Some of the proteins you can try include beans, milk, eggs, soy, corn, or whole grain.

Your puppy may take some time to adjust to a non-meat diet. You may find your puppy peeping through its diet with that look of “Where is the meat?”

The decision to change to a vegan diet is an important one for humans. You avoid slaughtering animals in an inhumane way; you also lower your risks of obesity, heart disease, and many other diseases that are associated with meat products. Puppies have various omnivorous characteristics that enable them to adapt to a vegan diet. These include:

  • Their small intestines have the necessary gastrointestinal juices necessary for the conversion of amino acids in the proteins they consume.
  • Their molars are flat like humans, and this helps them chew hard vegetables like carrots
  • They also can also convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A

While the decision to provide a vegan diet for your puppy is a personal one, their cases where you find your puppy is allergic to proteins. According to Dr. Fox of US Humane Society, puppies can thrive on a purely vegan diet but is important that you supplement their diet with meat occasionally.

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7 Tips On How to Choose the Best Dog Food for Your Pet


Dog Eating FoodWe don’t consider dogs as pets; we consider them as the part of our family. So it’s useful to know which canine nourishments are useful to your dog’s wellbeing, and which you ought to avoid. With a large number of pet food items available in the market, picking the best can be troublesome, yet it’s not incomprehensible in the event that you recognize what you’re searching for. Being specific about the information provided on the label, is an incredible initial step and makes pet proprietors more mindful of what we are going to share now.

All of our editors and veterinarians at Top Dog Tips believe that as an expansive piece of your dog’s wellbeing is controlled by the sustenance that they eat. In any case, with such a large number of nourishment choices out there, how would you pick which is best for your canine? There are some straightforward rules to help you with the choice of what to feed your dog. While there is no such food which can be labelled as the “best” puppy food, there are unquestionably some that are superior to others when compared on the basis of nutritional value.

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