Creating a Cat-Friendly Home: Calling ALL Ailurophiles!

Welcome, fellow ailurophiles! As devoted cat owners, we understand the importance of designing a living space that prioritizes our beloved feline friends’ health, safety, and happiness. From providing a secure and stimulating environment to ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met, there are several key factors to consider. In this article, we will delve into the depths of cat-centric home design, drawing on reputable sources and expert advice to help you create a paradise for your furballs. Let’s embark on a journey to transform your abode into a feline haven!

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Choosing The Best Litter Box For Your Cat

Cat in Litter BoxIf you have an indoor kitty, then you have the need for the right litter box. Not all cats like all styles, and not all styles are a good match for your life style. Sometimes you just need that extra help of convenience in easy cleaning or perhaps a larger size for multiple cats.

Roll ‘n’ Clean Litter Box

If scooping your cat’s waste is not your cup of tea, then this self cleaning box may be what you need. Large enough for a multi cat household but small enough for tight spaces, this litter box has its own method of cleaning with a simple roll. Simply tilt the box on its side, and keep rolling onto it’s roof. Roll it back to set in its original position and your kitty now has clean litter to potty in.

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