5 Simple and Affordable Ways to Keep Your Pet Engaged this Summer

Summer is a great time to bond with your pet and explore new activities together. If you’re looking for ways to keep your pet and your kids entertained during the summer months, here are 5 fun pet projects that are perfect for kids and their furry friends.

Project 1: Create a Paw Print Mold

One of the best ways to capture a memory of your pet is by creating a mold of their paw print. It’s a fun and easy project that can be done at home with just a few simple materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

    Non-toxic clay or plaster of Paris

    A mixing bowl


    A cookie cutter or circular object to shape the mold

    Your pet’s paw


    Mix the clay or plaster of Paris in the bowl with water according to the instructions on the package.

    Press your pet’s paw into the mixture, making sure to apply gentle pressure to create a clear impression.

    Use the cookie cutter or circular object to shape the mold.

    Let the mold dry completely before displaying or painting it.

Project 2: Make Your Own Dog Treats

Making your own dog treats is a fun way to spend time with your pet while also providing them with healthy and tasty snacks. Here’s what you’ll need:

    2 cups of whole wheat flour

    1 cup of rolled oats

    1/3 cup of peanut butter

    1 egg

    1/2 cup of hot water


    Preheat your oven to 350°F.

    Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.

    Roll out the mixture on a floured surface.

    Cut the mixture into shapes with cookie cutters.

    Place the shapes on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes.

    Let the treats cool completely before giving them to your pet.

Project 3: Build an Obstacle Course

Dogs love to run and play, and building an obstacle course is a great way to keep them active and engaged. Here’s what you’ll need:

    PVC pipes

    T-joints and elbow joints

    Pool noodles

    Jump bars

    Weave poles




   Arrange the PVC pipes, T-joints, and elbow joints to create the basic frame of the course.

    Add the pool noodles to the top of the frame to create jumps.

    Use the jump bars to create high jumps.

    Use the weave poles to create a weaving obstacle.

    Add a tunnel for your dog to crawl through.

    Finish by placing cones around the course to guide your dog.

Project 4: Make a DIY Water Fountain

Dogs love to stay cool during the summer, and a DIY water fountain is a great way to provide them with fresh water and a fun play area.

Here’s what you’ll need:

    Large bowl or bucket

    Water pump

    PVC pipe




    Drill a hole in the bottom of the bowl or bucket.

    Insert the PVC pipe into the hole and secure it with silicone or glue.

    Attach the water pump to the bottom of the bowl or bucket.

    Attach the hose to the water pump and run it up the PVC pipe.

    Place the bowl or bucket on a level surface and fill it with water.

    Turn on the water pump to create a fountain for your pet to play in.

Project 5: Make a Cat Tent

Cats love cozy spaces and hiding spots, and a homemade cat tent is the perfect summer project to provide them with a new favorite spot to relax.


    A large cardboard box

    A soft blanket or towel


    Paint, stickers, or markers (optional)


  1. Take the cardboard box and cut off the flaps from the top and bottom.
  2. Cut out a doorway on one of the sides of the box. Make sure it is large enough for your cat to enter and exit comfortably.
  3. Decorate the outside of the box with paint, stickers, or markers to make it more appealing to your cat (optional).
  4. Place a soft blanket or towel inside the box for comfort.
  5. Place the box in a quiet area of your home where your cat can have some alone time.

This project can also be modified for dogs by using a larger box and creating a doorway that is big enough for them to comfortably enter and exit.

Summer is a great time to bond with your pets and engage in fun activities together. These five pet projects are great ways to keep your pets active and entertained while also spending quality time with them. Remember to always prioritize your pet’s safety and comfort during these projects and have fun!

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