The Unconventional Friendship Between A Cat And A Dog

With more than 17% of all households in the USA owning both a dog and a cat according to the ASPCA, it is safe to say that the age-old saying of “fight like cats and dogs” (implying that canines and felines are natural enemies) has been debunked.  Despite their inherent differences, cats and dogs also have a lot in common. It is due to these similarities, which includes frequent grooming and sniffing, that cats and dogs living in the same household are more than capable of forming strong bonds, especially when introduced to each other as youngsters. Through intense observation and a bit of experimentation with regards to pushing each other’s boundaries, you may find your pets drinking from each other’s bowls, playing together & even sharing a bed.

Promoting domestic harmony between your cat and dog

While many cats and dogs will figure each other out and live in harmony without your interference, others are more stubborn and might require a little coaxing. It is important to take both animals’ personalities into account: an older, timid cat might not, for example, get on particularly well with an overly-energetic, bouncing puppy. If you find that your animals have a distinct personality clash it might be best to set up your household in such a way to allow each to have their own private space.

Plan the initial meeting very well

When meeting each other for the first time, a cat and a dog really only have one chance to make a good impression. If they are both still very young and of similar size you can chance just putting them down together in an enclosed area, allowing them to sniff each other. You can, alternatively, feed them at the same time on opposite sides of a closed door where they will be able to smell each other without making contact.  After doing so for a couple of days you can introduce them to each other more intimately, taking baby steps until they are completely comfortable with one another.

Beware of the spread of ticks, fleas, and worms

When animals live together in close proximity to one another, they become increasingly susceptible to common pests such as ticks, fleas, and worms.  It is of vital importance to keep your pets clean and pest-free by washing their bedding regularly.  Only use shampoos that are designed for pets and invest in organic flea powder to further keep the pesky little critters at bay. Deworming should take place every three months and the utmost of care must be taken to ensure that all your pet’s immunizations are up to date.  Prevention is definitely better than cure as far as these and other pests are concerned, both for the sake of your pet as well as your pocket.

While some people prefer cats, and other dogs, there are those who love both equally and are happiest when their household is home to both. While your furry friends may not see eye to eye from the get-go, a little bit of encouragement may be all that it needed to turn the biggest of foes into lifelong friends.

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