Dogs Need Treadmills Too

Cute Dog Running

Dog obesity in the US is on the rise with 54% of all dogs clinically overweight. This can lead to many diseases e.g respiratory disorders and orthopedic disease as well as reduced life expectancy and quality of life. These much loved canine pets are adored by their owners and pampered with gorgeous gifts like designer clothing, from bling dog collars to entire outfits. But just like their human owners, these body image conscious pooches also need to run the treadmill to look great and stay healthy.

Designer Doggie Workouts

What better way to show off that sleek, designer doggie coat than on a fit and healthy looking pet. Similarly the fitness and health conscious owner enjoys maintaining their body shape by exercising and a nutritious diet. Regular exercise for dog and owner is paramount. There has been a recent trend to exercise with your furry companion and there are so many inventive ways to go together, from Canicross to soccer and many more. Yoga with dogs (known as doga) has become popular and there may be a class in your area. Other popular methods are running, swimming and agility. Getting fit with your dog is fun with many different available activity choices. There are often local groups in your chosen dog/human sport and joining one can help inspire you, share tips on the new sport and meet other like-minded people. What better exercise companion could there be than man’s best friend?

Dogs and Humans Side By Side

Having spent so much time around humans it is likely dogs have adapted over time to be more human-like and have similar needs to their owners. In addition, the bond between owner and dog is strengthened by activities carried out together. Obesity is now a common man/dog problem which is due to the domesticated lifestyle. However, by following an exercise schedule which includes activities together, both owner and pooch can develop their physical fitness and improve their health.

‘Twogether’ is Better

Your furry friend may spend a considerable amount of time home alone whilst you’re working so it makes sense that much of your free time is spent together. In addition, your new circle of doggie sports club friends may change your world for the better! Of course, it’s your choice regarding groups and you could just exercise you and your dog independently, which is great for bonding. Either way, you both become happier and fitter. Being a nation of dog lovers there can be no cooler way to get fit.

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