Why One Should Do Yoga With Their Dog

Literally, Yoga for Dogs

It was first to introduce in 20012. There is nothing innovative about doga; it is just inviting your pet to the mat with you. As dogs love walking on the beach, fetching, doga will sizzle up their routine. It helps in exhibiting passion with your pup in the form of a beautiful mixture, demonstrating calmness and relaxation to it. Dogs make the perfect companion for yoga. The underlying idea of yoga is developing oneness and as dogs are a pack animal that is all about unity.

Two Forms of Doga

1. Human helps the dog in performing doga poses. The poses can be changed depending on the characteristics of the dog like breed, size, and ability. It creates bonding experience between the owner and the pooch

2. Humans perform yoga whereas dogs mingle around. It is an opportunity for the dog to socialize as well as it channels a calm and mindful state to it.

How To Do Doga

Firstly, the pup should not be forced into it. Start the practice as per routine; he will be curious encourage him to join you. If you have a smaller breed, you should lift in possess similar to Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose). It will make the practice more challenging. Pooch is large, place your forehead on his back in Balasana (Child’s Pose) or bend over him in camel pose. In the downward dog position, your pooch can be beneath you. In the plank position, it can be before you or above you if you have steel endurance abs. In other poses like sitting cross-legged, you can place your hand on it rather than placing on your thighs.

To ensure prevention of injury or discomfort, it is best to go slow and be mindful of your as well as your pup’s body.

Benefits of Doga

Bonding: Interacting with your dog in the mindful and calm state allows a new bonding experience. It is stronger than taking it for a run or to the park. Doga helps in stretching and relaxing humans as well as their dogs

Decreases anxiety and stress: Doga strengthen the bond, developing trust between the owner and the pet. Thereby resulting in relieving stress and anxiety.

Improves circulation: It enhances circulation in dogs just like humans. It also improves the range of their motion.

Mellow energy: It also tones done the excessive energy present. It will make the dog calm and watch TV for the rest of the day. This is due to the calm and mindful rendition of the owner.

Undivided attention: Doga provides a session for undivided attention towards your pup. It is claimed one spend time while taking them out for the walk. However, we can take them out and yet not be attentive towards them. The undivided attention of the owner is a gift for the dog.

Health inspection: Doga provides an opportunity to inspect the health of your pooch weekly. In doga, undivided attention is given to dog which might lead to the discovery of ambiguities that would have otherwise been missed. The senior and physically challenged dog can also benefit from doga. The doga routine can be molded to encourage their participation.

Overcome fears: Touching various parts of the body can aid dogs in overcoming certain fears. For example, touching paws and toes can result in overcoming the fear of nail clipping.

Criticism On Doga

As fun as it seems, Doga has been criticized by the large range of yogi master. The asserts that yoga is a spiritual activity and adding pets to it minimizes the spirituality significantly.

Author Bio

Wendy Shore is a parent of two amazing dogs. She is very enthusiastic about pet health and welfare in general. She regularly blogs at https://www.totallygoldens.com/.

Posted in Activities for Dogs, Dog Health Tips.