How A Dog May Improve Your Child’s Health And Wellbeing

Dog and Child in Wagon

There’s something about a dog that children love, which explains why 2017 saw almost 90 million dogs sharing the country’s homes. Some parents may worry about bringing a dog into the family home, however, a well trained pooch will show your child much love, affection and can improve their overall general health. Kids and dogs have great fun together and little ones will enjoy dressing their pet up in fashionable accessories and getting them to perform tricks so that they can feed them some tasty treats. After all, what parent doesn’t want to see their child healthy and happy?

Improves The Immune System

Research published in Microbiome found that babies born into households who have a pet have higher levels of gut microbes which are what protect individuals from allergies and obesity. The indirect exposure can even provide protection while a baby is inside the womb and the first three months of a baby’s life is the pivotal time to introduce your dog and your baby to each other. The evidence that dogs can improve a child’s health should be enough to stop couples opting to rehome their four legged friend when they’re expecting a new addition to their family and instead persuade them to embrace their pending life with a dog and a baby.

Encourages Them to Exercise

A child with a pet dog will have all the encouragement they need to put their games console away and head out into the backyard or to the local park with their four legged friend. According to The State of Obesity, one in every six American children is obese, therefore, anything that gets the nation’s children moving is beneficial. Dogs naturally want to play and have fun and many will initiate games such as chase. Of course, children will want to appease their beloved pet and will run around and play fetch with him until they both tire themselves out which is a great way of keeping youngsters fit and healthy.

Boosts Mental Health

A pet dog is the perfect companion for a child. Undoubtedly, there will be times when a child is struggling at school or is finding it difficult to make friends. However, having a trusting dog to come home to gives your child the comfort of a friend for life. Dogs have a calming effect on people and just spending time stroking a canine provides an enjoyable and relaxing experience for both your child and your hound. Fido can even help give a youngster struggling with their literacy, the enthusiasm to pick up a book and read aloud, thus boosting their confidence and their overall mental health.

Dogs are so much more than just pets. Sharing your family home with a dog can greatly benefit your child’s health as their immune system, fitness levels and their weight will be positively impacted by their furry friend. A child with a dog will also have a lifelong friend who they can talk to and share their feelings with day or night.

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